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Why Is Fire Hot?
SciShow Kids
3m 2s
Whether you're out camping, cooking, or snuggled up in front of your fireplace, you know that fire is hot! But why? Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn how fires turn wood or other fuel into useful heat!
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Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?
Why are mosquito bites so itchy? Stop scratching while Jessi explains!
Why Do Floods Happen?
It's been raining for a few days where Jessi and Squeaks live, and the news even said that there may be a flood! Join Jessi to find out what a flood is, how they form, and how you can stay safe if there's a flood where you live!
Your Super Skeleton!
Maybe you’ve seen skeletons in museums, or in Halloween decorations, but do you know how powerful your skeleton really is? Learn some fun facts about your bones!