Signing Time K-3 Classroom Curriculum

Signing Time K-3 Classroom Curriculum

Signing Time K-3 Curriculum
16 themed units, each with lesson activities, video clips, songs and printables
Each unit is organized around a dozen or more signs and contains fun activities for sign language practice.

K-3 Classroom Curriculum Videos
Selected Signing Time clips, edited to deliver the most critical teaching segments by topic.

K-3 Classroom Curriculum Songs
Selected Signing Time songs that support each theme.

K-3 Classroom Curriculum Lesson Plans PDF
16 themed units with sign flash cards, games, activities, and book list.

K-3 Classroom Curriculum Printables PDF
Printables for each unit in crisp black-and-white for easy photocopying.

Themed Units
Unit 1 – School
Unit 2 – Classroom
Unit 3 – Colors 
Unit 4 – Feelings 
Unit 5 – Alphabet 
Unit 6 – Numbers 
Unit 7 – Getting Along 
Unit 8 – Family 
Unit 9 – Outside 
Unit 10 – Seasons 
Unit 11 – Eat and Drink 
Unit 12 – Fruits and Vegetables 
Unit 13 – Days of the Week 
Unit 14 – Pets 
Unit 15 – Animals 
Unit 16 – Zoo Animals

Unit Materials

Lists the signs taught in the unit, audio visual materials needed for the unit and the contents of the unit.

Teacher Tips
Brief articles with useful tips for using sign language in the classroom.

Sign Reference Guide
A handy guide with pictures and descriptions teaching how to sign the words in each unit.

Introducing the Signs
Fun ideas for introducing the signs in each unit.

Games and Activities
Activities with educational merit that provide opportunities for sign language practice. Organized by age/grade range and matched with select national standards according to McREL’s Compendium of Content Standards and Benchmarks.

Poems and Songs
Practice each unit’s signs with simple poems and familiar tunes.

Sing and sign along with the Signing Time songs and videos.

Book List
A list of children’s books relevant to each unit’s topic.

Flash Card Sheets
246 black-and-white sign flash cards! Flash cards can be photocopied so each student can have their own set.

Supplemental Materials
A Certificate of Achievement and additional templates for certain activities are included, all presented in crisp black-and-white for easy photocopying.

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Signing Time K-3 Classroom Curriculum