Signing Time Sentences 1: Getting Started - Voice Off
Alex, Leah, Rachel, and Hopkins the Frog are back! Signing Time Sentences builds upon the one thousand vocabulary words taught in the original Signing Time series. Learn how to put signs together in sentences with ASL grammar. Learn ASL sentences! Ep. 1 Voice OFF teaches greetings, introductions, questions, numbers, letters, and fingerspelling. There are two editions of this video: Leah’s Voice On (for beginners), and Leah’s Voice Off (for advanced practice). Ep. 1 - Getting Started signing the manual alphabet, pointing (singular, plural, possessive), knowing when to use fingerspelling, fingerspelling your name, getting a name sign, understanding how “to be" verbs are used, expressing preferences, using eyebrows when asking questions, signing numbers (age, counting, ordinal), using classifiers: C, F, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Getting Started Featured Signs & Phrases: my name - your name what? - letters A-Z - you - me - he/she/it/that/you - they/those/them - your - his/her - their - my - his/her - two-of-us - same/alike - hi/hello - fine - how you? - great - silly - sad - so/so, hungry - happy - scared - grumpy - silly - signs - goodbye/bye - age - family - pets - brother - sister - dog - bird - snake - fish - pig - pets - numbers 1-20 - favorite - hungry - eat - hamburgers - cheeseburgers - french fries - cheese fries - need/don't need - want/don't want - like/don't like - fun - sentences