Here I Go
Baby Signing Time
The Baby Signing Time Series combines clever songs, animation, and real signing babies - all age two and under - to make signing easy and fun. Here I Go sets your baby’s day to music as you learn signs for everyday events in baby’s life: getting dressed, traveling, being polite, getting ready for bed, and more. ASL Signs in this Episode _Shoes - Socks - Hat - Coat - Please - Thank You - Sorry - Car - Train - Bus - Bike - Airplane - Boat - Ball - Doll - Bear - Wash Hands - Soap - Water - Sleep - Bath - Sleep Clothes/ Pajamas - Brush Teeth - Books - Blanket. Songs in this Episode -Baby Signing Time Theme -One Shoe -Please-Thank You-Sorry -Here I Go -I Can Keep it Still I Wash My Hands -Sleep Song -Special to Me
Up Next in Baby Signing Time
Let's Be Friends
The Baby Signing Time Series combines clever songs, animation, and real signing babies - all age two and under - to make signing easy and fun. Features host Rachel Coleman, along with animated Baby Alex, Baby Leah, and Baby Hopkins. ASL Signs in Let's Be Friends: Friend - Play - Share - Nice - Fe...
Nursery Rhymes
Sign and sing along Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman, from the award winning Signing Time television series. Giggle with animated Alex, Leah, and Hopkins! Sign language brings whole-body learning and fun to classic nursery rhymes, including: -The Farmer in The Dell -Five Little Ducks -Hey Diddl...
Baby Signing Time Parent Guide Video
Baby Signing Time Parent Guide - Video Watch this five-minute video and learn how you can boost early language development by signing, reading, and talking with your child. What is Baby Signing Time? Baby Signing Time is designed for babies between 4 months and 3 years of age and will help your c...