Nursery Rhymes
Baby Signing Video Playlist
Sign and sing along Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman, from the award winning Signing Time television series. Giggle with animated Alex, Leah, and Hopkins! Sign language brings whole-body learning and fun to classic nursery rhymes, including: -The Farmer in The Dell -Five Little Ducks -Hey Diddle Diddle -Five Little Speckled Frogs -Mary Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhymes are fun and educational! They can help your child: Recognize rhyming words Learn language rhythm & pitch Expand Vocabulary Learn early phonics skills Plus, the written word on the screen helps encourage early reading skills
Up Next in Baby Signing Video Playlist
Potty Time
Sing, sign and dance your way through potty training with Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman. This playful and positive approach supports any potty training method you choose. Potty Time supports any potty training method by helping children: -Listen to their bodies -Stop what they are doing and ...